Kári Halldór
Acting Coach
As acting coach, Kári has trained opera singers, dancers, musicians, amature actors, teachers, priests, television hosts and news anchors; for the National Icelandic broadcasting Service (RUV), Channel 2, Sense 8 TV series, Vesturport Theatre Company, The Icelandic Opera, Iceland Dance Company and the production companies Glassriver and Sagafilm.
Kári has worked as actor, director, drama teacher, acting coach and expressive communication coach in Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland since he graduated drama school in 1972
Drama School of the National Theatre of Iceland in 1969-72. A 10 weeks study tour 1974 to 9 theatre academies in the Nordic countries, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, focusing on drama and acting pedagogy. Drama and acting pedagogy studies at the Theatre Academy in Stockholm 1974-75 Educational residence in Helsinki in the spring and autumn of 1980. Kári has emphasized active further education in his career and participated in numerous seminars and workshops on theatre art, creativity and performance, management and pedagogy.
Drama and acting teacher at The Drama Academy of Iceland from its establishment in 1975 to 2000.
Kári held the post of acting coach at The Icelandic Opera in 2002-04. He was one of the head teacher at the acting department at The Icelandic Film School from 2007-12, where he taught foundational courses in the creative work of the actor and acting technique, and acting theory; and the course The directors work with actors at the schools directing department.
Kári has taught well over a hundred acting and drama courses. And in addition to being curriculum supervisor for independent acting studios both in Sweden and in Iceland, he has taught multiple courses in acting for amateurs.
He has also led seminars in expressive communication for business leaders, employment seekers and people in vocational rehabilitation.
Initiated the establishment of The Association of Drama Education Enthusiasts (SÁL) in Iceland in july 1972. Proposal and curriculum for a drama school for theatre amateurs, for the Association of Icelandic Amateur Theatres in 1991.
Kári has directed numerous stage performances with professional and amateur companies, operas and television productions in Iceland and abroad.
He has also created street shows, designed lighting and scenography, worked on dramatizations and as dramaturgy advisor.
Director for the Grey Company Theatre in Reykjavík 1983-88, and Katharsis Theatre Studio in Reykjavík 1989-93.
His stage productions have guest performed at Reykjavik Arts Festival, in Denmark and Sweden, Lithuania and Japan.